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Grapefruit Seed Extract Debate

Posted by Self Health Guru Friday, August 21, 2009

Grapefruit Seed Extract Debate
by Gregory Allen Butler

My wife and I first heard of Nutribiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract when her homeopathic doctor recommended it as a treatment for a skin condition. It worked. I recently have used it for treatment of a digestive disorder. It worked for that too. And while doing that, it eliminated my sore throat and the arthritis I had in one of my fingers. It has become a prominent part of my health care regimen.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, since the 1970s, has proven itself to be a highly effective remedy for combating mold, fungi, viruses and bacteria. There are millions of people who swear by it because of its incredible effectiveness. The most popular brand of Grapefruit Seed Extract is Nutribiotic GSE, distributed by NutriTeam, which also distributes Citricidal Professional Strength GSE. Citricidal® liquid concentrate is triple the potency of NutriBiotic® liquid.

If you have ever had sinusitis, or a sore throat, or a skin rash, or dysentery, and your health care professional gave you Grapefruit Seed Extract as a recommendation, then you too, no doubt, know that it is effective beyond belief.

For over thirty years now, success stories off this extract have been winning over adherents. Word of mouth is the most effective form of advertising and word of mouth alone has created millions of satisfied customers.

But in the last several years, grapefruit seed extract has become a center of controversy due to some testing that showed it to be comprised of highly toxic chemicals, one of which has been compared in toxicity to Agent Orange. But at the same time, other independent tests show it to be free of any chemicals, free of any toxicity, and yet highly anti-microbial. How can there be such a wide discrepancy of opinion regarding its efficacy? After all, in all these years of recommendations by health care professionals and veterinarians, there are no signs of any cases of toxicity.

Consider that in June 2002, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published research conducted by John Heggers, PhD, at the University of Texas Med School. This preliminary research confirmed that GSE was effective in inhibiting the growth of 67 different pathogens at dilutions that were non-toxic. Dr. Heggers plans further research on GSE as a wound dressing, as he is also affiliated with the Shriner’s Hospital Burn Center in Galveston, TX.

Or, the testing conducted by the U. of Georgia, in Athens, GA, to evaluate grapefruit seed extract in tests against E. Coli, Salmonella sps., and Staph aureus. Roger Wyatt, Ph.D., and Microbiologist for the University of Georgia, reported,

Our studies indicate excellent potential for these products(GSE). …The toxicological that I have reviewed indicated that this product and the active ingredient poses very low toxicity. As you know this is important because most disinfectants that are currently used in either animal or human environments have moderate to high toxicity and extreme care must be exercised when these products are used. The lack of any significant toxicological properties of (GSE) is also impressive when one views the efficacy data where extemely small concentrations of the product can be used with marked beneficial results.

Dr. Wyatt continued, “In view of the reports that we have discussed, the wide spectrum of activity that (GSE) offers(antiviral, antibacterial; Gram+ and Gram-, antimycotic, and antiprotozoan) will undoubtedly aid in its acceptability.”

The controversy stems from some reports that GSE contains Triclosan, Benzelthonium Chloride, or Methyl Paraben. Perhaps the reason for the conclusion of those reports is that Citricidal is very similar in molecular weight to both Benzelthonium Chloride and Triclosan, both of which are effective disinfectants, but are toxic to human and animal life.

Every batch of Citricidal® is certified for the absence of such residues, as well as the absence of Triclosan, a common germicide and preservative. Independent labs have confirmed these results. (see United States Testing Company Report No. 405993, dated 9/8/95). The results show no trace of triclosan, while displaying very strong antimicrobial activity. Every batch of Citricidal is tested and certified free from chemical and heavy metal contamination. And in an attempt to further improve the product, a source of grapefruit seed and pulp from Certified Organically Grown grapefruits has been secured.

To further show the safety of Citricidal, an Acute Oral Toxicity Study was performed — Northview Pacific Labs Report No. X5E015G, dated 7/6/95. Results showed that Citricidal is considered non-toxic by oral ingestion with an LD50 of over 5000 mg/kg of live body weight. This is the equivalent of a 200 lb. person drinking close to 1 lb. of pure Citricidal daily for two weeks, before risking a 50% risk of fatal poisoning. (There are close to 20,000 drops in one pound of Citricidal liquid. The recommended adult dose is 5-6 drops at a time.)

The NutriTeam website has this to say about its grapefruit seed extract:

According to the Association of Poison Control Centers, the AMA Physician Reporting System, and the Journal of Emergency Medicine, there have been no reports that Citricidal has ever harmed anyone. In fact, there are thousands of clinical and anecdotal reports that Citricidal has helped many, and enjoys a safety record going back more than 30 years.

Over the years, numerous and differing analytical tests have been performed to determine the active components of Citricidal. The test results have quite often varied, for the following reasons: a.) varying test procedures, b.) different chemicals used in the test procedures producing false positives, c.) different interpretations of test procedures resulting in false positives, and d.) the different background of the chemists involved, organic chemistry vs. inorganic chemistry being an issue. The similarity in molecular weight between Citricidal and both Benzelkonium Chloride and Benzelthonium Chloride has wrongly influenced some (including drug and chemical manufacturers) to assert that Citricidal has been “spiked” with these poisons. (They are both powerful industrial disinfectants, and are even found in some consumer goods in the U.S.) But once again, independent lab tests, and a 30-year track record of safe use as a human therapeutic speak loudly against such slander.

It seems absurd to me that a product that gets such praise from health care professionals, without any side effects, could turn out to be so toxic. I don’t believe it for a minute. I think the only danger this product poses is to the pocket books of the pharmaceutical industry when Grapefruit Seed Extract is used more and more in place of anti-biotics.

Consider this:

Dr Louis Parish, M.D., as investigator for the Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, reported that (grapefruit seed extract) “…is as effective as any other amoebicide now available, perhaps more effective…” and, “It does not cause side effects.” Nearly 200 patients were treated for Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia by Dr Parish and his associates over a two month period. Dr. Parish went on to say, “…it (GSE) gives symptomatic relief more than any other treatment.”

Or this:

“As a specialist in environmental medicine and immunology I have a significant number of patients with chronic intestinal candidiasis, chronic bacterial dysbiosis and occult protozoan parasitosis. I have found that Citricidal has been a remarkable antifungal agent with excellent response in patients with chronic intestinal candidiasis. It also appears to be an excellent antiparasitic, and I have had some good results with Citricidal in certain intestinal protozoan Infections, notably Blastocystis hominis. It seems to have a very low potential for side effects and appears to be non-toxic. I will continue to use this product extensively.” Dr. Jeffrey Anderson, Mill Valley, CA, USA

Recent testimonials report grapefruit-seed extract, to be effective against more than 800 bacterial and viral strains, 100 strains of fungus, and a large number of single and multicelled parasites. It was evident that grapefruit seed-extract disrupts the bacterial membrane and liberates the cytoplasmic contents within 15 minutes after contact even at more dilute concentrations (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine).

Nutriteam’s List of Internal Uses:

Digestive Upsets, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Diarrhea and Food Poisoning. Infections from: Parasites (single and multi-celled), Bacterial, Viral and Fungal. Candida Yeast Infections, Thrush and Chronic Fatigue. Oral Infections: Tooth Plaque, Gum Disorders, Breath Freshener and Mouthwash. Colds and Flu, Sore Throats, Strep Throat, Ear Inflammation / Pain, Gassiness, Sinusitis, respiratory infection and much more!

Nutriteam’s List of External Uses:

Acne, Athletes Foot, Nail Fungus Infections. Skin Infections: Fungal / Bacterial / Parasitic / Viral / Ringworm, Cuts / Wounds. Warts, Poison Ivy/Poison Oak, Rashes, Jock Itch, Shaving Itch, Dandruff, Cold Sores / Herpes, Head Lice, Chickenpox, Cracked Lips, Toothbrush Cleaning and much more!

Make up your own mind, but I’m going to continue using grapefruit seed extract. I feel better since using it and that is a good incentive for me.


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