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How did Harvard get it so wrong?

Posted by Self Health Guru Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dear Reader,

How did Harvard get it so wrong?

Harvard Medical School recently attempted to explain it all for us in a book titled Healthy Eating: A Guide to the New Nutrition.

Their basic idea is sound. The authors state that research over the past two decades has transformed the accepted principles of nutrition.

And here's what they get 100 percent right. They say, "Beyond all can lower your risk for the most serious diseases of our time by following a healthy diet." With you all the way on that one, Harvard.

Too bad they miss the boat on important specifics. Too bad, because when people see the word "Harvard," many will take this stuff as gospel.

Don't mess it up

Here are five ways Harvard got it wrong...

1) Soy. They completely miss the important detail that unfermented soy should be avoided. Sure, there's less breast cancer among Japanese women who consume lots of soy. But most of the soy products consumed by Japanese women are fermented. In the U.S., the opposite is true.

2) Genetic engineering. Harvard is cautious on this one. They don't come right out and say GE foods are okay. But you get the feeling they want to.

They quote a 2004 National Academy of Sciences report that admits GE "may produce unintended changes in the composition of foods." Uh oh. Not exactly reassuring. They also state: "In most cases you won't be eating the genes themselves." In most cases! And I believe that IS supposed to be reassuring.

Finally, they highlight this dubious statistic: In 2003 more than 80 percent of the U.S. soybean crop was GE. They don't mention that it was genetically altered so it could survive saturation with weed killer! (Another excellent reason to avoid soy.)

3) Red meat. Harvard instructs us to shun pigs in a blanket. But that's just junk food. And Harvard knows it. There's no comparison between a lean cut of red meat and pigs in a blanket.

Harvard's problem with red meat is saturated fat, of course. There's simply no way to convince some nutritionists that saturated fats are not evil. On the contrary. As William Campbell Douglass II, M.D. reminds us, animal fats boost energy and immunity. They also help build stronger, more resilient cells.

4) Vitamin E. Do I even have to say it? Harvard hasn't caught up with the important difference between the single- form vitamin E supplements used in so many damning studies, and the mixed tocopherols that are absolutely the only way to take your E.

5) Eggs. Instead of eating whole eggs, Harvard suggests you eat egg whites or egg substitute. Yeesh! Egg fear is so 20th Century, Harvard. Nature gave us this nearly perfect food. Don't mess it up!

Back on track

"Added vitamins have lost their sheen, and there are more doubts than ever about taking them in pill form."

The sheen is gone? Well, that's how someone at Harvard tells it in a recent Harvard Health Letter. They grudgingly make two exceptions: Folic acid for young women and vitamin D. Other than that – no sheen!

The Healthy Eating book follows the same line, cautioning that only a "tiny handful" of studies support supplement use. Then, throughout the book, the authors cite study after study that cast supplements as extremely useful.

Vitamin D supplements get a nod, of course. Omega-3 fatty acids? Absolutely. Vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and zinc get special note for preventing age-related macular degeneration. In Harvard's own take on the USDA pyramid, calcium supplements are included.

And folic acid for women? Of course. But they also offer a study that shows how folic acid and vitamin B6 reduce risk of heart attack or death due to heart disease. Then they feature additional studies in which folic acid curbs memory loss and reduces colon cancer risk.

Gee...that tiny handful of studies turned out to be fairly important.

Harvard! Good call!


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Insect repellent DEET is toxic to brain cells

Posted by Self Health Guru Monday, September 7, 2009

Insect repellent DEET is toxic to brain cells
by S. L. Baker, features writer

If you insist on using chemical laden insect repellents containing DEET, you may be getting more than you bargained for -- including damage to your central nervous system. In fact, scientists writing in the open access journal BMC Biology don't just say that more studies should be done to confirm DEET's potential neurotoxicity to humans. The researchers are calling for more investigations of the chemical to be conducted on an urgent basis. The reason? They suspect that the potential brain cell damaging effects of DEET could be particularly harmful if used in combination with other neurotoxic insecticides. And that's exactly the way DEET is normally used in products applied to both adults and kids in order to prevent mosquito bites.

French scientists Vincent Corbel from the Institut de Recherche pour le Developement in Montpellier and Bruno Lapied from the University of Angers headed a team of researchers who studied the mode of action and toxicity of DEET, also known by the chemical name N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide. "We've found that DEET is not simply a behavior-modifying chemical but also inhibits the activity of a key central nervous system enzyme, acetycholinesterase, in both insects and mammals," Corbel said in a statement to the media.

DEET has been in use since its discover in l953 and is now the most common ingredient found in insect repellent preparations. It is primarily hyped as a way to keep mosquitoes at bay and doctors and insect repellant manufacturers promote DEET's use through scare tactics, suggesting you are likely to get West Nile fever from mosquito bites unless you use the chemical.

Of course, not every mosquito bite spreads any kind of infection and West Nile fever is not always serious. What's more, a host of natural strategies, from wearing long sleeves and pants in areas plagued by mosquitoes to using a variety of herbal extracts and essential oils topically, can help you avoid bug bites and stings without chemicals. Yet DEET remains promoted by the mainstream media and medical establishment as the ingredient that protects adequately against mosquito bites and disease.

Consider this worrisome statistic: each year approximately one-third of all Americans spray and slather on insect repellents containing central nervous system toxin DEET. And this is in spite of the fact that previous studies have warned of DEET's dangers. For example, earlier research by Duke University Medical Center pharmacologist Mohamed Abou-Donia, who has spent 30 years studying the effects of pesticides, found that prolonged exposure to DEET can impair functioning in parts of the brain and could result in problems with muscle coordination, muscle weakness, walking or even memory and cognition.

In the new study, Corbel and his colleagues discovered that DEET inhibits the acetylcholinesterase enzyme. This is the exact effect organophosphate and carbamate insecticides have on the body, too. Alarmingly, these insecticides are often combined in products with DEET -- and the scientists found that DEET interacts especially well with carbamate insecticides, magnifying their toxicity. "These findings question the safety of DEET, particularly in combination with other chemicals, and they highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the development of safer insect repellents for use in public health," Corbel stated.

Another study published earlier this summer in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Chemical Society, showed that a natural substance, cinnamon oil, shows promise as a great-smelling, environmentally friendly pesticide, with the ability to kill mosquito larvae. The researchers also believe that cinnamon oil could be a good mosquito repellant, though they have not yet tested it against adult mosquitoes. Historically, however, cinnamon oil has been used by natural health practitioners and traditional healers to repel mosquitoes and prevent their bites.


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Another Danger from High Glycemic Foods: Research Shows They Damage Arteries

Posted by Self Health Guru Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another Danger from High Glycemic Foods: Research Shows They Damage Arteries
by S. L. Baker, features writer

Anyone interested in healthy and nutritious foods has probably heard that whole grains are far better for you than the processed variety like white bread and sugar-laden cereals. There are several reasons for this, including the fact whole foods tend to be richer in fiber and they also have low glycemic indexes. That means they keep blood sugar and insulin levels steady without wide fluctuations. But a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology concludes there's another important reason to avoid high glycemic foods like white bread and corn flakes. For the first time, scientists have documented how eating these foods can directly damage artery walls and cause cardiac problems.

"It's very hard to predict heart disease," Dr. Michael Shechter of Tel Aviv University's Sackler School of Medicine and the Heart Institute of Sheba Medical Center, said in a statement to the media. "But doctors know that high glycemic foods rapidly increase blood sugar. Those who binge on these foods have a greater chance of sudden death from heart attack. Our research connects the dots, showing the link between diet and what's happening in real time in the arteries."

For his study, Dr Shechter and colleagues worked with 56 healthy volunteers who were divided into four groups. One group ate cornflake cereal mixed with milk, a second consumed a pure sugar mixture, the third group ate bran flakes and the last group took water (as a placebo control). Over the course of four weeks, Dr. Shechter applied brachial reactive testing to the research subjects in each group. This test, a clinical and research technique pioneered by Dr. Shechter's laboratory, uses a blood pressure type cuff on the arm that is able to visualize what happens inside arteries before, during and after eating various foods.

Before any of the study participants ate, the function of their arteries was essentially the same. After eating, however, all except the placebo group had reduced arterial functioning -- especially the research subjects who ate cornflakes and sugar. In fact, the testing documented that during the consumption of these foods high in sugar, there was a temporary and sudden dysfunction in the endothelium, the thin layer of cells that line the inside of arteries and reduce turbulence as blood flows throughout the entire circulatory system.

This is a critical finding because, when repeated over time, a sudden expansion of artery walls can cause a host of negative effects on health including damage to endothelial cells. That can reduce elasticity in arteries, resulting in heart disease or even sudden death. In fact, according to Dr. Shechter, endothelium dysfunction can be traced back to almost every disorder and disease in the body.

"We knew high glycemic foods were bad for the heart. Now we have a mechanism that shows how," Dr. Shechter explained in the press statement. "Foods like cornflakes, white bread, French fries, and sweetened soda all put undue stress on our arteries. We've explained for the first time how high glycemic carbs can affect the progression of heart disease."

Dr. Shechter agrees with natural health advocates who have long advised staying away from highly processed, high glycemic foods and eating a diet rich in low glycemic whole foods such as oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts. In addition to helping protect your heart, this style of eating has other advantages. According to the Harvard School of Public Health web site, these healthy foods are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and a host of important phytonutrients.

On the other hand, white bread, white rice, pastries, sugared sodas, and other highly processed foods tear down instead of build health -- they contribute to weight gain, interfere with weight loss, and promote diabetes and heart disease. As reported earlier in Natural News, processed foods have also been linked with an increased risk for cancer and recent studies indicate many processed foodstuffs, from bread to candy bars, may be contaminated with toxic mercury, too.


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Baking Soda Found To Help People with Chronic Kidney Disease

Posted by Self Health Guru Thursday, August 27, 2009

Baking Soda Found To Help People with Chronic Kidney Disease
by S. L. Baker, features writer

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious condition marked by the permanent loss of kidney function. When the kidneys are damaged, the organs can't remove wastes and extra water from the blood as well as they should and the result can be a host of serious and even deadly health consequences. But now researchers in the United Kingdom have made a breakthrough in the treatment of advanced CKD -- and it doesn't involve a new drug or high tech surgery. Instead, it's simply a daily dose of sodium bicarbonate or, as it is more commonly called, baking soda.

Used for everything from baking cookies and non-toxic cleaning to relieving indigestion and sunburn, now baking soda has been shown to slow the decline of kidney function in CKD, according to a study set for publication in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN). "This cheap and simple strategy also improves patients' nutritional status, and has the potential of translating into significant economic, quality of life, and clinical outcome benefits," researcher Magdi Yaqoob, MD, of the Royal London Hospital, said in a statement to the media.

This is an enormously important finding because CKD is a growing health problem, both in the UK and the US. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), between 1990 and 2000, the number of people with kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplantation in the US virtually doubled to 380,000. If this trend continues, around 700,000 people will have serious kidney failure by 2010.

Dr. Yaqoob studied 134 patients with advanced CKD and low bicarbonate levels, a condition known as metabolic acidosis. One group of these patients was treated with a small daily dose of sodium bicarbonate in tablet form, in addition to their usual care. The results? The rate of decline in kidney function was dramatically reduced in these patients. Overall, the decline was about two-thirds slower than in patients not given sodium bicarbonate. "In fact, in patients taking sodium bicarbonate, the rate of decline in kidney function was similar to the normal age-related decline," Dr. Yaqoob stated.

The patients taking sodium bicarbonate were also less likely to develop end-stage renal disease (ESRD) which causes people with CKD to undergo regular dialysis. In addition, those taking sodium bicarbonate also had improvement in several measures of nutrition. And, even though their levels of sodium went up, they did not experience increased blood pressure.

Low bicarbonate levels are common in patients with CKD and can lead to a wide range of other problems. "This is the first randomized controlled study of its kind," says Yaqoob. "A simple remedy like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), when used appropriately, can be very effective."

The NIH estimates that 20 million Americans have significantly reduced kidney function, and even a small decline in kidney function can double a person's risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Many people will experience heart attacks or strokes before they are even aware they have kidney disease. Fortunately, there are many natural strategies that can help prevent, fight and heal kidney disease. For example, avoiding soda pop can lower the odds of developing CKD in the first place And, as reported earlier in NaturalNews, eating fish a couple of times a week has been shown to help prevent kidney disease in diabetics.


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Diabetes cure hiding in your spice rack!?

Posted by Self Health Guru Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Diabetes cure hiding in your spice rack!?

Congratulations -- you've taken your first step into uncovering the nutritional cures that "mainstream" medicine tries so hard to keep from you.

You picked a great day to start -- I'm going to tell you how someday soon the threat of type 2 diabetes could be wiped out for millions of people. In fact, some type 2 diabetics may NEVER need drugs again. It's true. Dr. Wright has shown us how to overcome and prevent it, with nothing more costly than table cinnamon. I'm not talking about some exotic variety, but the stuff that's already in your cupboard!

Up until recently, type 2 diabetics thought they had no choice but to pay through the nose for dangerous drugs, including metformin (Glucophage®). Side effects from this stuff include extreme weakness, muscle pain, trouble breathing and even heart arrhythmia. But now, Dr. Wright's patients have learned... success can be as simple as saying "sugar and spice!" How? It turns out that cinnamon contains a very powerful nutrient called methylhydroxychalcone polymer -- MHCP for short.

A few years ago, a research team led by Dr. Richard Anderson isolated a part of cinnamon (MHCP) that closely mimics insulin activity. The researchers observed that a combination of MHCP and insulin worked synergistically in regulating glucose metabolism.
The researchers concluded that although there were differences between the responses MHCP and insulin can have on regulating sugar metabolism, the benefit of combining the two therapies is clear. They also noted that MHCP does mimic insulin and that, in most instances, MHCP can work alone -- without the presence of insulin.

Cinnamon may eliminate the need for drugs in patients with type 2 diabetes
According to Dr. Wright, cinnamon/MHCP might not only help control blood sugar but also, when combined with appropriate diet, exercise, and other supplementation, make patent medications and their myriad adverse effects (including significantly increased cardiovascular mortality and occasional deaths from other causes) totally unnecessary.
Individuals with type 2 diabetes who aren't using patent medications should also consider this addition to their diet, exercise, and supplement plan. If you have a mild case of diabetes, it's quite possible that your blood sugar level will normalize simply by using cinnamon or MHCP. At the very least, it should improve. And in either circumstance, using cinnamon or MHC should postpone or even help prevent progression of type 2 diabetes and its complications. Of course, always work with a physician who can monitor your progress and help you withdraw from any patent diabetes medication you may be taking.

Since insulin and MHCP have been found to be synergistic, taking MHCP or whole cinnamon should make it possible to regulate blood sugar with less insulin. Some complications of type 1 diabetes may come from insulin use itself, so using less insulin while maintaining blood sugar control could be beneficial. Always work with a physician whenever trying to taper down insulin usage.

But before you start sprinkling it on...
Dr. Anderson noted in his research that all species of cinnamon and numerous bottles of commercial cinnamon were tried and that they all worked to help regulate glucose metabolism in his research teams' experiments. Coupled with the widespread availability of self-monitoring devices for blood sugar measurement, it isn't hard to tell if cinnamon or MHCP is helpful. However, keep in mind that whole cinnamon, like most plants and other living things, has both fat-soluble and water-soluble fractions. There is some evidence that high levels of the fat-soluble fractions of cinnamon could be cause for concern. Some researchers have found that substances in the fat- (and oil) soluble fractions of cinnamon may be both carcinogenic and genotoxic (damaging to genes, and leading to an increased risk of both cancer and birth defects). Fortunately, these risks are easily avoidable, and you can still get all the benefits of cinnamon just by taking a few simple steps.

Dr. Anderson has observed that essentially all toxic materials in cinnamon are fat soluble. He simply recommends that, to be safe, anyone using more than 1/4 to 1 teaspoonful of whole cinnamon daily first boil it in water, then pour off the resulting watery solution for use, and discard the solid remainder, which would contain the fat- and oil-soluble fractions. Since MHCP is water soluble, it's still readily available in the watery solution poured off after boiling the cinnamon. A helpful hint for actually going about separating the oils and fats on the surface of the water: Try pouring the water through a cheesecloth (cheesecloths are available in many supermarkets and other cooking-supply stores).
If you prefer not to take these steps, but still want to try this natural approach to controlling diabetes, you can avoid the potential hazard of whole cinnamon by using the cinnamon derivative, MHCP, in supplement form.

Yours in good health,
Christine O'Brien
P.S. Keep reading to find out how visible "clues" on your body may be a warning about a tendency for diabetes.

Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone's personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.

Seeing is believing
Q: Is there any way to tell if I might be predisposed to getting type II diabetes?
Dr. Wright: Absolutely! In fact, just a glance at your skin could tell you if you're "programmed" for diabetes. Here are some of the physical symptoms to look for on your body that might be trying to warn you that diabetes is on its way.

Shin spots. Slow-spreading, brownish-red (occasionally yellowish) discolorations on the shins are often an early warning sign of impending adult onset (type 2) diabetes.
Skin tags. As the name aptly describes, they're "tags" of skin most frequently found on the neck, under the arms, and in the groin area, and they're a common occurrence on adults.
Dupuytren's contracture. This condition occurs when the connective tissue under the skin of the hand begins to thicken and shorten. As the tissue tightens, it may pull the fingers down towards the palm of the hand.
Excess weight. Obesity is probably the most widely known physical symptom for type 2 diabetes, and it's usually the easiest to spot. If this is a problem for you, make sure to carefully examine your body for the other symptoms as well.

In addition to the symptoms you can actually see on your body, you should also be aware of some internal risk factors for type 2 diabetes--namely, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and, of course, family history of the disease.
While these factors may not put you at risk on their own, combined with the other physical signs they can be additional clues as to whether type 2 diabetes may be in your future.

Source: Nutrition & Healing's Health eTips

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Grapefruit Seed Extract Debate

Posted by Self Health Guru Friday, August 21, 2009

Grapefruit Seed Extract Debate
by Gregory Allen Butler

My wife and I first heard of Nutribiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract when her homeopathic doctor recommended it as a treatment for a skin condition. It worked. I recently have used it for treatment of a digestive disorder. It worked for that too. And while doing that, it eliminated my sore throat and the arthritis I had in one of my fingers. It has become a prominent part of my health care regimen.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, since the 1970s, has proven itself to be a highly effective remedy for combating mold, fungi, viruses and bacteria. There are millions of people who swear by it because of its incredible effectiveness. The most popular brand of Grapefruit Seed Extract is Nutribiotic GSE, distributed by NutriTeam, which also distributes Citricidal Professional Strength GSE. Citricidal® liquid concentrate is triple the potency of NutriBiotic® liquid.

If you have ever had sinusitis, or a sore throat, or a skin rash, or dysentery, and your health care professional gave you Grapefruit Seed Extract as a recommendation, then you too, no doubt, know that it is effective beyond belief.

For over thirty years now, success stories off this extract have been winning over adherents. Word of mouth is the most effective form of advertising and word of mouth alone has created millions of satisfied customers.

But in the last several years, grapefruit seed extract has become a center of controversy due to some testing that showed it to be comprised of highly toxic chemicals, one of which has been compared in toxicity to Agent Orange. But at the same time, other independent tests show it to be free of any chemicals, free of any toxicity, and yet highly anti-microbial. How can there be such a wide discrepancy of opinion regarding its efficacy? After all, in all these years of recommendations by health care professionals and veterinarians, there are no signs of any cases of toxicity.

Consider that in June 2002, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published research conducted by John Heggers, PhD, at the University of Texas Med School. This preliminary research confirmed that GSE was effective in inhibiting the growth of 67 different pathogens at dilutions that were non-toxic. Dr. Heggers plans further research on GSE as a wound dressing, as he is also affiliated with the Shriner’s Hospital Burn Center in Galveston, TX.

Or, the testing conducted by the U. of Georgia, in Athens, GA, to evaluate grapefruit seed extract in tests against E. Coli, Salmonella sps., and Staph aureus. Roger Wyatt, Ph.D., and Microbiologist for the University of Georgia, reported,

Our studies indicate excellent potential for these products(GSE). …The toxicological that I have reviewed indicated that this product and the active ingredient poses very low toxicity. As you know this is important because most disinfectants that are currently used in either animal or human environments have moderate to high toxicity and extreme care must be exercised when these products are used. The lack of any significant toxicological properties of (GSE) is also impressive when one views the efficacy data where extemely small concentrations of the product can be used with marked beneficial results.

Dr. Wyatt continued, “In view of the reports that we have discussed, the wide spectrum of activity that (GSE) offers(antiviral, antibacterial; Gram+ and Gram-, antimycotic, and antiprotozoan) will undoubtedly aid in its acceptability.”

The controversy stems from some reports that GSE contains Triclosan, Benzelthonium Chloride, or Methyl Paraben. Perhaps the reason for the conclusion of those reports is that Citricidal is very similar in molecular weight to both Benzelthonium Chloride and Triclosan, both of which are effective disinfectants, but are toxic to human and animal life.

Every batch of Citricidal® is certified for the absence of such residues, as well as the absence of Triclosan, a common germicide and preservative. Independent labs have confirmed these results. (see United States Testing Company Report No. 405993, dated 9/8/95). The results show no trace of triclosan, while displaying very strong antimicrobial activity. Every batch of Citricidal is tested and certified free from chemical and heavy metal contamination. And in an attempt to further improve the product, a source of grapefruit seed and pulp from Certified Organically Grown grapefruits has been secured.

To further show the safety of Citricidal, an Acute Oral Toxicity Study was performed — Northview Pacific Labs Report No. X5E015G, dated 7/6/95. Results showed that Citricidal is considered non-toxic by oral ingestion with an LD50 of over 5000 mg/kg of live body weight. This is the equivalent of a 200 lb. person drinking close to 1 lb. of pure Citricidal daily for two weeks, before risking a 50% risk of fatal poisoning. (There are close to 20,000 drops in one pound of Citricidal liquid. The recommended adult dose is 5-6 drops at a time.)

The NutriTeam website has this to say about its grapefruit seed extract:

According to the Association of Poison Control Centers, the AMA Physician Reporting System, and the Journal of Emergency Medicine, there have been no reports that Citricidal has ever harmed anyone. In fact, there are thousands of clinical and anecdotal reports that Citricidal has helped many, and enjoys a safety record going back more than 30 years.

Over the years, numerous and differing analytical tests have been performed to determine the active components of Citricidal. The test results have quite often varied, for the following reasons: a.) varying test procedures, b.) different chemicals used in the test procedures producing false positives, c.) different interpretations of test procedures resulting in false positives, and d.) the different background of the chemists involved, organic chemistry vs. inorganic chemistry being an issue. The similarity in molecular weight between Citricidal and both Benzelkonium Chloride and Benzelthonium Chloride has wrongly influenced some (including drug and chemical manufacturers) to assert that Citricidal has been “spiked” with these poisons. (They are both powerful industrial disinfectants, and are even found in some consumer goods in the U.S.) But once again, independent lab tests, and a 30-year track record of safe use as a human therapeutic speak loudly against such slander.

It seems absurd to me that a product that gets such praise from health care professionals, without any side effects, could turn out to be so toxic. I don’t believe it for a minute. I think the only danger this product poses is to the pocket books of the pharmaceutical industry when Grapefruit Seed Extract is used more and more in place of anti-biotics.

Consider this:

Dr Louis Parish, M.D., as investigator for the Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, reported that (grapefruit seed extract) “…is as effective as any other amoebicide now available, perhaps more effective…” and, “It does not cause side effects.” Nearly 200 patients were treated for Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia by Dr Parish and his associates over a two month period. Dr. Parish went on to say, “…it (GSE) gives symptomatic relief more than any other treatment.”

Or this:

“As a specialist in environmental medicine and immunology I have a significant number of patients with chronic intestinal candidiasis, chronic bacterial dysbiosis and occult protozoan parasitosis. I have found that Citricidal has been a remarkable antifungal agent with excellent response in patients with chronic intestinal candidiasis. It also appears to be an excellent antiparasitic, and I have had some good results with Citricidal in certain intestinal protozoan Infections, notably Blastocystis hominis. It seems to have a very low potential for side effects and appears to be non-toxic. I will continue to use this product extensively.” Dr. Jeffrey Anderson, Mill Valley, CA, USA

Recent testimonials report grapefruit-seed extract, to be effective against more than 800 bacterial and viral strains, 100 strains of fungus, and a large number of single and multicelled parasites. It was evident that grapefruit seed-extract disrupts the bacterial membrane and liberates the cytoplasmic contents within 15 minutes after contact even at more dilute concentrations (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine).

Nutriteam’s List of Internal Uses:

Digestive Upsets, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Diarrhea and Food Poisoning. Infections from: Parasites (single and multi-celled), Bacterial, Viral and Fungal. Candida Yeast Infections, Thrush and Chronic Fatigue. Oral Infections: Tooth Plaque, Gum Disorders, Breath Freshener and Mouthwash. Colds and Flu, Sore Throats, Strep Throat, Ear Inflammation / Pain, Gassiness, Sinusitis, respiratory infection and much more!

Nutriteam’s List of External Uses:

Acne, Athletes Foot, Nail Fungus Infections. Skin Infections: Fungal / Bacterial / Parasitic / Viral / Ringworm, Cuts / Wounds. Warts, Poison Ivy/Poison Oak, Rashes, Jock Itch, Shaving Itch, Dandruff, Cold Sores / Herpes, Head Lice, Chickenpox, Cracked Lips, Toothbrush Cleaning and much more!

Make up your own mind, but I’m going to continue using grapefruit seed extract. I feel better since using it and that is a good incentive for me.


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How to Alleviate Eye Strain

Posted by Self Health Guru Saturday, August 15, 2009

How to Alleviate Eye Strain
by Sheryl Walters

In today`s high tech world, many of us suffer from eye strain. Sitting too long in front of the computer or watching long hours of TV are partially to blame. Other reasons may include things such as allergens, air pollution, sun, stress, and vision problems. Hence...eye strain. It`s normal when we are intently looking at something or concentrating, that our gaze becomes strained. The symptoms of eye strain are not fun and all of us have experienced them at times. They can include headaches, dizziness and blurred vision. We need to remember we are only given one set of eyes in this life. It`s up to us to do what we can to protect them. Here are some healthy ways to give your eyes the care they deserve.

Shop at your local natural health food store and purchase an herb called eyebright. Boil water and place a couple of teaspoons of the herb into the water to steep. After approximately fifteen minutes, strain the herb from the liquid and allow to cool. Soak a soft cloth in the liquid and apply to your eyes. You`ll notice in a short amount of time, how much better your eyes begin to feel.

You can also, relax with a soft cloth over your eyes to which witch hazel has been applied. This is a super soothing remedy for overworked eyes. So soothing in fact, you may wake up an hour later. Or maybe you would prefer, using dried flowers from the chamomile plant to make a comforting compress to place over your eyes. Add one teaspoon of the dried flowers to a cup of boiling water. Chamomile contains an anti-spasmodic that will feel fantastic on your eyes. A chamomile tea bag may be used instead. And while you are at it, why not brew yourself a cup of tea to enjoy as you take time out to rest your eyes.

If you feel that you are suffering from eye strain, take a minute to splash your eyes with cold water. Not only will this feel incredible, it will boost blood supply to your eye muscles, making them feel refreshed. For best eye health, be sure your diet contains sources of Vitamin A. Of all the vitamins, vitamin A is one of the most wonderful for your eyes. A sample of foods rich in this vitamin are lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, carrots and cabbage. Vegetables are great! Not to mention how pretty they look in your kitchen! Snack on them throughout your day. It`s not too late. Begin now to show your eyes you love them and that they are certainly appreciated!


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Food Allergies - Is There a Natural Cure

Posted by Self Health Guru Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Food Allergies - Is There a Natural Cure

Written by Phillip Day

Allergies occur when the immune system produces antibodies against substances in the environment (allergens) that are usually harmless. These substances can include pollens, dust, foods, cosmetics, etc. The body produces antibodies to neutralize the foreign substance, which triggers the release of histamine, which produces what we see as allergies or asthma. As allergies are a result of the histamine inflammatory system we need to first address the body's hydration levels and intake of adequate whole salts. In his insightful book "Water and Salt" Dr. F. Batmanghelidj proclaims the following:

“You can naturally prevent allergies and asthma by drinking more water. When you understand the physiology of the human body and the role of histamine in its water regulation and drought management, you realize that chronic dehydration in a vast majority of people is the primary cause of allergies and asthma. Increased water intake—on a forced, regular basis—should be adopted as a preventive measure as well as the treatment of choice.

In those who have had attacks of asthma or allergic reactions to different pollens foods, more strict attention to daily water intake should become a pre-emptive measure. These people will also have other indicators of dehydration they need to recognize and treat accordingly before a crisis attack of asthma endangers their lives and exposes them to possible, premature death. Don’t forget, the chemical pathways dealing with dehydration have no ‘brain’; they rush forward like a cascade. They are actually called ‘chemical cascades’. These dehydration-induced chemical cascades kill many thousands of asthmatics a year. They are easily ‘turned off’ by water and salt, two strong, natural antihistamines.”

Common food intolerances, such as those for wheat (gluten), milk (casein), chocolate, eggs, oranges and other salicylates may disrupt hormone levels, resulting in mental symptoms that can range from depression to schizophrenia and the classic ‘straitjacket’ problems.

How allergies can lead to mental illness, if untreated
Many of these disorders occurring later in life, described as mental illnesses, may begin early in childhood and show up as eczema, infantile colic, rashes, fits and temper tantrums, excessive mucus formations, frequent rapid colds, hyperactivity, speech difficulties, anxiety, seasonal allergies and coeliac disease (malabsorption of food). All these initially should be regarded as dehydration issues. In the book "Health Wars", I examine the problems brought on by infants force-fed cow’s milk during their first two years’ of life. This is a vulnerable period for a small child, whose immune system usually has not fully developed until the third year. Assaulting the child with multiple vaccinations, foreign and often hostile proteins, such as those found in wheat and cow’s milk, can lead to all sorts of problems such as autism and type 1 diabetes, especially when the child has not been adequately breast-fed to ensure the full spectrum of immune factors are taken to begin with.

Once the immune system is formed, there may be imperfections in how the system performs when assaulted with particles the body identifies as toxins. Damage and scarring to the intestinal wall by gluten/gliaden in wheat, barley, rye and oats, for instance, destroys the finger-like villi which absorb nutrients, leading to coeliac disease, where the food can pass unprocessed through the small intestine. Leaky gut syndrome, where undigested food particles permeate the damaged intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream, is typified by systemic poisoning and a chronic-fatigue reaction of lethargy, listlessness and depression.

Experimental double-blind studies and control trials conclusively demonstrate that wheat, milk, cane sugar, eggs (often the whites), tobacco and food additives are the chief culprits. In one control study, 96 patients diagnosed as suffering from alcohol dependence, major depressive disorders and schizophrenia were compared with 62 control subjects selected from adult hospital staff members for possible food/chemical intolerances. Those suffering as ‘depressives’ were found to be the highest suffering from allergies: 80% were found to be allergic to barley and 100% were allergic to egg white. Over 50% of the alcoholics were found to be allergic to egg white, milk, rye and barley. Of the schizophrenic group, 80% were found to be allergic to both milk and eggs. Only 9% of the control group were found to suffer from any allergies. Dr Batmanghelidj states that the body’s predisposition to react in these ways may be due to the specific ways it behaves during drought-management.

Schizophrenics, routinely treated with drugs, were randomly assigned milk- and gluten-free diets while on the locked ward. They were discharged nearly twice as rapidly as control patients assigned a high-cereal diet. Wheat gluten secretly added to the cereal-free diet undid this effect, showing that wheat gluten was a player in the behavior of these schizophrenic patients.

Eliminating allergens from your diet
Removing problem foods and then reintroducing them one by one under controlled conditions to see if the problems reoccur is known as elimination/challenge testing. This should always be done under clinical supervision, especially when side-effects may be quite severe, such as fits, asthma, anaphylactic shock, severe depression and violent, psychotic episodes.

The anti-histamine effect
In the book "The Mind Game", I examine the effects of histadelia, or excess histamine, in the body, and its association to mental illness. It is interesting to note that many psychiatric medications are very similar in their chemical profiles to antihistamines, and indeed are designed to suppress brain histamine receptors. Tricyclic and antidepressant drugs, such as imipramine (Tofranil) and amitriptyline, are in this group. Other drugs, such as chlorpromazine and promazine, are designed to inhibit histamine production and promazine is used to treat allergies. This seems to confirm the role of histamine excess in related emotional disorders and therefore Batmanghelidj, Pfeiffer, Holford and Hoffer encourage physicians to adapt their patients’ diets before resorting to potentially debilitating medication. Carl Pfeiffer has also devoted much of his professional research time to examining B6 (pyridoxine), zinc and manganese deficiencies, and their role in restoring his patients to health, quoting:

“Several vitamins are noted for their effectiveness in reducing allergic symptoms. Vitamins C and B6 are probably the most effective. Dr William Philpott has used both of these vitamins intravenously to turn off allergic symptoms provoked by testing for allergies. The patients on adequate vitamin C will have fewer allergic symptoms. B6 should be given to the point of nightly dream recall and the minerals calcium and potassium should be plentiful in the diet. Zinc and manganese are also needed by the allergic patient. Elimination of the offending foods may be needed for several months. For multiple food allergies, in which this approach would severely limit the diet, a four-day rotation diet in which each food is eaten only once every four days should be tried. If this approach is unsuccessful, intradermal allergy testing to determine the degree of allergy and the neutralising dose of each allergen is recommended.”

Most patients suffering from food allergies also have pyroluria, where excessive pyrrole chemicals are found in the urine, binding vitamin B6 and zinc (see Pyroluria). Since coeliac damage to the intestinal wall may result in malabsorption of nutrients into the body, while often allowing undigested food proteins into the blood creating allergy, healing of the intestinal system is vital to a restoration of the patient to full nutritional homeostasis.

What you can do today
As a guide your intake should be half of your bodyweight in ounces. i.e. a 140 lb woman should drink 70 oz of water a day (8-10 glasses). Salt used should be organic, unrefined Himalayan, Celtic or sea salt; half a teaspoon per 10 glasses of water per day. Those having trouble sleeping may put a small pinch of salt on their tongue and allow to melt after turning in. This is also a good idea after drinking two glasses of water upon rising. Sensors on the tongue detect salt intake and help suspend the body’s production of histamine.


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Nitrates in commercial foods more dangerous than we first thought

By Sherry Baker
According to a new study by scientists at Rhode Island Hospital, millions of Americans could be at risk of serious and even fatal diseases because of chemicals used to fertilize and to preserve food. Scientists have found a strong link between increasing levels of nitrates and nitrites in our food supply and increasing death rates from Alzheimer's, diabetes mellitus and Parkinson's disease.

The research, just published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, investigated trends in death rates due to diseases associated with advancing age. They found convincing parallels between age adjusted rises in mortality from certain illnesses -- Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and diabetes -- and the steadily increasing human exposure to nitrates, nitrites and nitrosamines through processed and preserved foods as well as fertilizers.

Suzanne de la Monte, MD, MPH, of Rhode Island Hospital, and her research team suggest that the exposure to these chemicals is playing a direct role in the cause, development and effects of the pandemic of these diseases. "Because of the similar trending in nearly all age groups within each disease category, this indicates that these overall trends are not due to an aging population. This relatively short time interval for such dramatic increases in death rates associated with these diseases is more consistent with exposure-related causes rather than genetic changes," Dr. de la Monte explained in a statement to the media. "Moreover, the strikingly higher and climbing mortality rates in older age brackets suggest that aging and/or longer durations of exposure have greater impacts on progression and severity of these diseases."

Nitrites and nitrates belong to a class of chemicals called nitrosamines that are created by a chemical reaction between nitrites or other proteins. They've long been shown to be harmful to both humans and animals. In fact, more than 90 percent of nitrosamines have been shown in tests to be carcinogens. However, they are allowed to be freely added to the US food supply. In fact, if you pick up a processed food package such as luncheon meat or bacon, certain beers and some cheese products, you are likely to find that they contain these chemicals. In addition, exposure to nitrates and nitrites are widely found in fertilizers, pesticides and cosmetics. Exposure also occurs through the manufacturing and processing of rubber and latex products.

Nitrosamines are problematic because they become reactive at the cellular level and that means they can alter gene expression and cause DNA damage. The new research suggests that the cellular alterations that occur as a result of nitrosamine exposure create a process much like accelerated aging in the body and that could spur on the development of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

"All of these diseases are associated with increased insulin resistance and DNA damage. Their prevalence rates have all increased radically over the past several decades and show no sign of plateau. Because there has been a relatively short time interval associated with the dramatic shift in disease incidence and prevalence rates, we believe this is due to exposure-related rather than genetic etiologies," Dr. de la Monte stated.

For the study, the researchers graphed and analyzed mortality rates and compared them with increasing age for each disease. Next the scientists looked at the growth of the US population and the annual use and consumption of nitrite-containing fertilizers, annual sales at popular fast food chains (which carry nitrate and nitrate containing foods), sales for a major meat processing company, and consumption of grain (often fertilized with nitrates). For a control, the research team also looked at statistics on the consumption of watermelon and cantaloupe -- foods that not typically associated with nitrate or nitrite exposure.

The results show that while nitrogen-containing fertilizer consumption increased by 230 percent between 1955 and 2005, its usage doubled between 1960 and 1980 -- and that's the time period just before the insulin-resistant epidemics of type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease began. What's more, the investigators also found fast food chain and the meat processing company sales increased more than eight fold from 1970 to 2005, and grain consumption increased five-fold. That means the US population has been exposed to dramatic increase in foods loaded with nitrates and nitrites.

Bottom line: the researchers think the increased prevalence rates of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and diabetes cannot be explained on the basis of gene mutations and, instead, are examples of toxin exposure-related disease. "If this hypothesis is correct, potential solutions include eliminating the use of nitrites and nitrates in food processing, preservation and agriculture; taking steps to prevent the formation of nitrosamines and employing safe and effective measures to detoxify food and water before human consumption," Dr. de la Monte, who is a professor of pathology and lab medicine at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, said in a press statement.

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Top 10 Reasons To Grow Your Own Organic Food

1. GET THE NUTRITION YOU NEED & ENJOY TASTIER FOOD!Many studies have shown that organically grown food has more minerals and nutrients that we need than food grown with synthetic pesticides. There’s a good reason why many chefs use organic foods in their recipes—they taste better. Organic farming starts with the nourishment of the soil, which eventually leads to the nourishment of the plant and, ultimately our bodies.

2. SAVE MONEYGrowing your own food can help cut the cost of the grocery bill. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars and month at the grocery store on foods that don’t really nourish you, spend time in the garden, outside, exercising, learning to grow your own food.

3. PROTECT FUTURE GENERATIONSThe average child receives four times more exposure than an adult to at least eight widely used cancer-causing pesticides in food. Food choices you make now will impact your child’s future health.
“We have not inherited the Earth from our fathers, we are borrowing it from our children.” – Lester Brown

4. PREVENT SOIL EROSIONThe Soil Conservation Service estimates more than 3 billion tons of topsoil are eroded from the United States’ croplands each year. That means soil erodes seven times faster than it’s built up naturally. Soil is the foundation of the food chain in organic farming. However, in conventional farming, the soil is used more as a medium for holding plants in a vertical position so they can be chemically fertilized. As a result, American farms are suffering from the worst soil erosion in history.

5. PROTECT WATER QUALITYWater makes up two-thirds of our body mass and covers three-fourths of the planet. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates pesticides - some cancer causing - contaminate the groundwater in 38 states, polluting the primary source of drinking water for more than half the country’s population.

6. SAVE ENERGYAmerican farms have changed drastically in the last three generations, from family-based small businesses dependent on human energy to large-scale factory farms. Modern farming uses more petroleum than any other single industry, consuming 12 percent of the country’s totally energy supply. More energy is now used to produce synthetic fertilizers than to till, cultivate and harvest all the crops in the United States. If you are growing your own food in the city, you are cutting down on transportation and pollution costs.

7. KEEP CHEMICALS OFF YOUR PLATEMany pesticides approved for use by the EPA were registered long before extensive research linking these chemicals to cancer and other diseases had been established. Now the EPA considers 60 percent of all herbicides, 90 percent of all fungicides and 30 percent of all insecticides carcinogenic. A 1987 National Academy of Sciences report estimated that pesticides might cause an extra 4 million cancer cases among Americans. If you are growing your own food, you have control over what does, or doesn’t, go into it. The bottom line is that pesticides are poisons designed to kill living organisms and can also harm humans. In addition to cancer, pesticides are implicated in birth defects, nerve damage and genetic mutations.

8. PROTECT FARM WORKERS & HELP SMALL FARMERSA National Cancer Institute study found that farmers exposed to herbicides had six times more risk than non-farmers of contracting cancer. In California, reported pesticide poisonings among farm workers have risen an average of 14 percent a year since 1973 and doubled between 1975 and 1985. Field workers suffer the highest rates of occupational illness in the state. Farm worker health is also a serious problem in developing nations, where pesticide use can be poorly regulated. An estimated 1 million people are poisoned annually by pesticides.

Although more and more large-scale farms are making the conversion to organic practices, most organic farms are small, independently owned family farms of fewer than 100 acres. It’s estimated the United States has lost more than 650,000 family farms in the past decade. And the U.S. Department of Agriculture predicted that half of this country’s farm production will come from 1 percent of farms by the year 2000, organic farming could be one of the few survival tactics left for family farms.

9. PROMOTE BIODIVERSITYMono-cropping is the practice of planting large plots of land with the same crop year after year. While this approach tripled farm production between 1950 and 1970, the lack of natural diversity of plant life has left the soil lacking in natural minerals and nutrients. To replace the nutrients, chemical fertilizers are used, often in increasing amounts. Single crops are also much more susceptible to pests, making farmers more reliant on pesticides. Despite a tenfold increase in the use of pesticides between 1947 and 1974, crop losses due to insects have doubled—partly because some insects have become genetically resistant to certain pesticides.

10. HELP BEAUTIFY YOUR COMMUNITYBesides being used to grow food, community gardens are also a great way to beautify a community, and to bring pride in ownership.


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St John's Wort Again Proven Better than Antidepressant Drugs

The popular herbal extract St. John's wort is more effective at treating the symptoms of depression than any antidepressant drug, and has fewer side effects, researchers from the Centre for Complementary Medicine in Munich have concluded.

"Overall, the St John's Wort extracts tested in the trials were superior to placebo, similarly effective as standard anti-depressants, and had fewer side effects than standard anti-depressants," lead researcher Klaus Linde said.

In a study published by the Cochrane Library, the researchers compiled the results of 29 prior trials, involving a total of 5,489 participants who were randomly assigned either St. John's wort, a placebo, tricylclic antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to treat mild to moderately severe depression. All studies were double-blind, meaning that neither patients nor researchers knew what kind of treatment each participant was receiving.
St. John's wort was found to be more effective than a placebo and at least as effective as both tricylics and SSRIs, but with fewer side effects. Patients receiving the herbal treatment were significantly less likely to drop out of studies due to negative side effects than those assigned to take tricyclic antidepressants.

The researchers called their study the most thorough to date, and possibly the first to show that St. John's wort is effective at treating not only mild, but also severe depression (also known as major depression). St. John's wort, known officially as Hypericum perforatum, is a native European perennial herb with distinctive yellow flowers and now grows wild in many parts of the Americas as well. It derives its common name from the tradition of harvesting its flowers on St. John's day (June 24). Also known as Klamath weed or Tipton's weed, the plant has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy for depression and sleeping problems.

In recent years, the popularity of the herbal antidepressant has soared as new concerns continue to emerge over pharmaceutical antidepressants, especially SSRIs. In Germany, doctors regularly prescribe it to children and teenagers. In the United Kingdom, it is currently used by two million people.

SSRIs have been shown to significantly increase the risk of suicide in those under the age of 18, and evidence suggests that they may have a similar effect on adults, as well. Recent evidence has also linked use of the drugs by pregnant women with an elevated risk of oral and heart-related birth defects.

With Western health care systems emphasizing drugs for the treatment of mental illness, however, many doctors feel they have no alternatives but to prescribe tricyclics or SSRIs, in spite of the risk. The new study may lead more doctors to prescribe St. John's wort instead.
Another recent study, conducted by St. James' University Hospital in Leeds, England, found that St. John's wort was the only herbal supplement effective at treating depression, in contrast to cat's claw, ginseng, gingko biloba, liquid tonic and royal jelly.

Researchers remain unsure precisely how St. John's wort works, in part because the plant contains chemicals from at least seven different families. The most favored explanation is that the herb acts much like an SSRI, slowing the rate at which the neurotransmitter serotonin is removed from the brain. The chemical hyperforin is posited by some as the most active chemical agent in the herb, and has been linked to slowed uptake of not only serotonin but also the neurotransmitters dopamine, noradrenaline, GABA and glutamate. St. John's wort extracts from which hyperforin has been removed, however, have still been shown to function as effective antidepressants.


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Posted by Self Health Guru Thursday, August 6, 2009

Turning on the television or reading the newspaper is becoming anexercise in anxiety. If it's not the economy, it's the latest health crisis, global warming,or terrorism threats. All this stress is sending lots of us to ourmedicine chests to calm our nervous stomachs. And what do we usuallyreach for? That old standby -- an over-the-counter (OTC) antacid.

Advertising claims would lead you to believe that any OTC antacid,such as Tums, Rolaids, Maalox or Pepcid, is harmless enough. Littledid you know that taking an antacid actually can make your stomachproblems worse. Stomach Acid: "A Good Thing"

You may be surprised to learn that Daily Health News ContributingEditor Andrew Rubman, ND, describes stomach acid as a good thing.Proper digestion takes place as a series of functions, all of whichdepend on the presence of adequate stomach acid while you are eating.

When you take OTC antacids -- or even worse, the "more effective"prescription variety -- you're cutting down or even eliminating theacid you need at mealtimes. Without it, your stomach can't adequatelybreak down food into its nutrient components. What's more, inadequatedigestion of proteins encourages the liver to increase production ofLDL cholesterol -- the kind of cholesterol that does the most damageto your body.

An all-too-common result of taking OTC antacids on a regular dailybasis is an increase in cholesterol, which is then often treated withyet another drug to lower cholesterol levels. Not a roller coasterride you want to be on.

Go with the Flow
If you stop taking antacids as a favor to your liver, what do you doabout your sour stomach?
"Prevent it in the first place," says Dr. Rubman. Make sure you haveadequate acid in your stomach during mealtimes, when you need it, andless stomach acid when you don't need it. "What we call excess stomachacid," he explains, "is what we should call inappropriate stomachacid. "To make sure your stomach has sufficient acid at mealtimes, Dr.Rubman advises against "grazing" -- snacking on food -- throughoutthe day. Snacking signals the stomach to pump acid rather than savingit for mealtimes.

In addition...
Always chew your food thoroughly. Introducing saliva into the food asyou chew will get the digestion process off to a good start.Don't drink very much liquid while eating a meal. Dr. Rubman says morethan a few sips of fluid will dilute the acid in the stomach. Also tryto limit fluids for 30 minutes before you eat and for an hourafterward. His general rule: One fluid ounce of water for every twoounces by weight of solid food.

To avoid acid overproduction, Dr. Rubman also advises a few changes ineating habits...
Don't overeat. Leave that extra little bit of room for dessert, andthen skip it.
Eliminate from your diet foods that have refined sugars, such asdesserts. Sugars tend to destabilize the stomach, decreasingefficiency of digestion and nutritional value and creating gas.
Avoid caffeine and fried foods. Caffeine stops starch digestion andcan impair acid production with meals. Fried foods creategastrointestinal inflammation and speed the aging process.

Between-Meal Defenses
If you still suffer from a sour stomach between meals, put somethingin it that will quiet it without triggering more acid production. Dr.Rubman has several suggestions...
"A time-tested remedy, believe it or not, is sauerkraut," he says. InEurope, you can even buy sauerkraut juice for just that purpose. Fiveor 10 minutes after consuming sauerkraut, your stomach will relax andyou'll feel great. Sounds weird, but in fact, the enzymes releasedduring the fermentation of the cabbage as it turns into sauerkrautactually help break down and neutralize the inflammatory componentsof a sour stomach.

Should sauerkraut not be for you, some herbal products soothe andnormalize the stomach without suppressing acid production. Dr. Rubmanrecommends gentian, an herb that comes in tinctures, capsules andfluid extracts. "Usually using eight to 10 drops in a little bit of water will do the job," he says. Use this as needed rather than prophylactically.

Glyconda, a traditional herbal combination that includes turkeyrhubarb root, cinnamon and goldenseal, is another old-fashionedremedy, one that grandmothers in Italy have been giving theirfamilies for years. Dissolve 10 to 20 drops in two ounces of warm teaor water, and drink before a meal.

Other products that address the problem...
* Gastri-Gest, a combination of plant-derived enzymes taken as needed as an antacid substitute. Available from Priority One (800-443-2039).* Compound Herbal Elixir, a botanical mixture that can be used as needed as a "tummy tonic."
Available from Eclectic Institute (800-332-4372,
Both of these products also are available at quality health-food stores.

When Problems Don't Resolve
Occasionally, a more severe stomach problem causes between-meal acidproduction. "This occurs when something in the stomach liningstimulates it in the same way that food does," explains Dr. Rubman.Typically, the cause is a yeast organism or something similar. Often,the culprit is the same creature found in vaginal or oral thrush. Youcan avoid it by following the above steps to maintain adequate stomachacid levels during meals.

Caution: Anyone with gastritis that persists for more than 10 days orrecurs more than once a month should be tested for the bacteriumHelicobacter pylori.

It also might be an ulcer, which would require special treatment."Having a gastric or duodenal ulcer is one of the few problems thatcall for prescription antacids to suppress stomach-acid productionwhile the lesion heals properly," says Dr. Rubman. If your problemdoes not respond to the natural remedies above within a few days, seeyour health-care provider to rule out a more serious condition.

When it comes to acid indigestion, don't let the cure be worse thanthe disease. Healthy eating habits and a strategy to work with thebody's natural digestive function will go a long way in calming thatgrumbling pain.

* Andrew L. Rubman, ND, associate professor of clinical medicine, College of Naturopathic Medicine, University of Bridgeport, and medical director, Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines, both in Connecticut.

Source: Bottom Line's Daily Health News

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Cow's Milk and Vitamin D

Posted by Self Health Guru Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cow’s milk is a poor source of vitamin D. A much better source is cold water fish liver oil from clean wild fish, and the best source of all is natural sunlight. You cannot overdose on vitamin D from sunlight, your body will synthesize only what it needs. I should also note that processed cow's milk is pasteurized and homogenized. This process alters the molecules in the milk making drinking processed milk unhealthy.

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